How I Spent The Day In Nabadwip

Hi...All A very good morning to you.. from past few days I was not able to write any brief article because of my busy schedule in kolkata.. Kolkata actually is my home town where I have born and brought up ..that's why when I just touch the feet of kolkata all my known faces come to spend time with me together... Lots more fun, entertainment,food,the taste of mother's handmade food,the care ,love of mother including all family members have made me Lough,cry,emotional,nostalgic a person.. My son has mixed up with all culture..he is trying to read bengali alphabets...evendhough he doesn't familiar with bengali reading, writing .... the essence of Bengal made us really really little lazy, unnecessary time spender in a couch..again and again taking tea,simply chatting..a happy summer holidays work ,no pressure of work,no hurry,late wake-up with the tea ,shopping ,fun,late night dinner, chatting,these are the best part of holiday spendi...