How To Get Back Good Fortune ?????
Hello All
First of all wish you a nice day to you..and have come to talk with you.. from few days I was not able to post any article but today I have come with a very useful topic ....oviously I guess it would be a great beneficial for those who are facing problems from health to economy from prosperity to success, education everywhere..
Do you know that after even lots more efforts also sometimes we do not able to achieve our goal, success or face poor health problems or no peace...
Students even not able to concentrate on their studies or it seems like someone has stopped your growth of being well,fortune ,success..!!!!!
Can you tell me who is that ???? That is no one except Negative Energy... negative energy is who always obstacles your success ,good luck or fortune and not let you to do any good may happens sometimes by some people or incidents..
Here the negative energy fully try to involve you in bad surroundings..if you could be noticed you can be visible those when you are doing some good job some people always trying to pull you down and criticize to loosen your confidence mentally, physically....and some people are really jealous by seeking your success ,achievements,and their negative ,jealously looks ultimately harm your entire goal ...
So the question is how you will be free from unfortune or get back your foutune ??? Here I can give you some tips those are really my personal choice ,and experience that's why sharing with you....
Here today I will tell what are the things can be lucky for all of you..first a lucky bamboo plants or which is globally accepted as a lucky cham or feng shui ...which brings prosperity,success, good fortune,wealth,good health ..distributes a positive energy in your house or room a bigger way it is a good luck for your overall well being.
This is my lucky bamboo plant which my husband had gifted me few days ago...and you all know that there are some instructions to keep this in a proper direction and in proper way.
It's actually Chinese a feng shui..and in India it is believed that if you have this three you are blessed of Lord Krishna...
Actually in every stems or stalks the luck ,two ,three ,four etc.More or less we keep placing odd no of bamboo stalks tighten with red thread in a east or south east direction in our room..and altogether in scientific way if you keep this indoor plant it will give you pure oxygen which is biggerly associated with your health ..
But more or less it is a good luck ,a positive energy for your entire health,wealth,luck,goal ,education, marriage for everything.But there are some certain rules to keep this plant.
How To Keep This Plant
1: keep away the plant from direct sunlight.
2: The planter should consist of all these five elements like earth,metal,wood,water and fire..
For this you can add some Pebbles or stones into the planter which presents earth, and can keep some coins which presents metal, The stalks of this plant itself presents wood and obviously keeping in water presenting the water also but last one fire is also there in the plant which is tightened up into a red glossy ribbon significant of fire..
3: change the water and clean the vask onece in a five days... because you all know that we should not store clean water more than five days because dengue mosquitos take birth in clean water only so change it after five days ...
4: If you notice any yellow colour in any stems or leave then cutting that is a good option Because it is believed that it spreads negative energy.
Eventhough I believe if in our body parts any part can be infected then that time we cut that ????
So it's your belief or choice.
5: And please give the water or spray the water into the all plant including stems and use nomal drinking water because in tap water many more different minerals are there to harm that plant so avoid that.
6: keep the plant in east or south east direction of your room.
Even in the aquarium also you can place this plant but leaves should be out and you can fulfill the trunk of water and in water it grows more faster.
Actually for this tree no need too much care ....only in little care it grows very slowly ...actually it is made for indoor plants...
And in my home there are many things those work the same...
Actually these are the hands of Jesus husband went abroad for his office purpose from there he had bring's believed that if we keep this hand somewhere in our house then all the bad things will go...and those people who always want our unsuccess, and bad eye on us for them it works like boomerang and all the environment can be changed... actually God Jesus gives blessings through this hand it is seemed.
And I have placed Lord Buddha statue in my home and my elder sister had gifted me Laughing Buddha as well...and these are also feng shui.. you all know that Lord Buddha is a symbol of Peace...if always fighting,quarrel,sorrow ,sadness, unhappiness, are surrounded to you then placing a Buddha statue can solve many unspoken truth, can bring peaceful life, satisfaction, immense pleasure ,a happy beginning and ending....
Yes in my past when I was feeling so unhappy with something or feeling sorrow or continuous unpleasant happening that time placing of Lord Buddha in my home really brought to me uncountable happiness ,peace for whom everyone dreamd.
Here you can ask me that in which direction we should place Lord Buddha and The Blessed Hand Of Jesus ??? Actually here may have some rules but I prefer always to keep your all in east side so that all the good benefits you get soon.
And in my entrance I hanged a wind chime those all are feng shui an old Chinese traditional part of china .It is said when the wind blows then the wind chime sounds like Tung tang...and in each sweet,mild sounds make some positive energy around our house ....seriously the sweet melody of these metal sounds make us happy, peaceful, joyful....
Actually all feng shui is based on environment is balanced between energy and environment on which all these have been placed to get positive energy .
Actually it is all belief...yes I actually got all good benefits from all..but don't think that i only place all these .....I have placed my all Hindu Lord in my house also..... because I respect all the culture,all the religious beliefs,all the good things....and here also in some occasions I do Puja from my own belief...but don't think I am too spiritual....
I have beliefs but everyday Puja it's not possible for me...on behalf of me my husband does...because at the end I believe that first you have to be very hard worker ,passionate,positive thinker,honest a person otherwise placing lots more lucky things also will not work.
Because the ultimate power of God also stays with these people ...being a good human is the toughest , greatest job for everyone . Because God is live in all his wonderful ignoring, humiliating , behaving badly with people are nothing but a crime to God if we do so God will never forgive us eventhough we can visit temple , church,mashjid .
So it will be beneficial for you when you will be good human being.

This is my Singhasan....Om Namaha...
So try all my tips at home and have happy,healthy, blessed , peaceful, a blissful life for ever with getting back of your own fortune .
First of all wish you a nice day to you..and have come to talk with you.. from few days I was not able to post any article but today I have come with a very useful topic ....oviously I guess it would be a great beneficial for those who are facing problems from health to economy from prosperity to success, education everywhere..
Do you know that after even lots more efforts also sometimes we do not able to achieve our goal, success or face poor health problems or no peace...
Students even not able to concentrate on their studies or it seems like someone has stopped your growth of being well,fortune ,success..!!!!!
Can you tell me who is that ???? That is no one except Negative Energy... negative energy is who always obstacles your success ,good luck or fortune and not let you to do any good may happens sometimes by some people or incidents..
Here the negative energy fully try to involve you in bad surroundings..if you could be noticed you can be visible those when you are doing some good job some people always trying to pull you down and criticize to loosen your confidence mentally, physically....and some people are really jealous by seeking your success ,achievements,and their negative ,jealously looks ultimately harm your entire goal ...
So the question is how you will be free from unfortune or get back your foutune ??? Here I can give you some tips those are really my personal choice ,and experience that's why sharing with you....
Here today I will tell what are the things can be lucky for all of you..first a lucky bamboo plants or which is globally accepted as a lucky cham or feng shui ...which brings prosperity,success, good fortune,wealth,good health ..distributes a positive energy in your house or room a bigger way it is a good luck for your overall well being.
This is my lucky bamboo plant which my husband had gifted me few days ago...and you all know that there are some instructions to keep this in a proper direction and in proper way.
It's actually Chinese a feng shui..and in India it is believed that if you have this three you are blessed of Lord Krishna...
Actually in every stems or stalks the luck ,two ,three ,four etc.More or less we keep placing odd no of bamboo stalks tighten with red thread in a east or south east direction in our room..and altogether in scientific way if you keep this indoor plant it will give you pure oxygen which is biggerly associated with your health ..
But more or less it is a good luck ,a positive energy for your entire health,wealth,luck,goal ,education, marriage for everything.But there are some certain rules to keep this plant.
How To Keep This Plant
1: keep away the plant from direct sunlight.
2: The planter should consist of all these five elements like earth,metal,wood,water and fire..
For this you can add some Pebbles or stones into the planter which presents earth, and can keep some coins which presents metal, The stalks of this plant itself presents wood and obviously keeping in water presenting the water also but last one fire is also there in the plant which is tightened up into a red glossy ribbon significant of fire..
3: change the water and clean the vask onece in a five days... because you all know that we should not store clean water more than five days because dengue mosquitos take birth in clean water only so change it after five days ...
4: If you notice any yellow colour in any stems or leave then cutting that is a good option Because it is believed that it spreads negative energy.
Eventhough I believe if in our body parts any part can be infected then that time we cut that ????
So it's your belief or choice.
5: And please give the water or spray the water into the all plant including stems and use nomal drinking water because in tap water many more different minerals are there to harm that plant so avoid that.
6: keep the plant in east or south east direction of your room.
Even in the aquarium also you can place this plant but leaves should be out and you can fulfill the trunk of water and in water it grows more faster.
Actually for this tree no need too much care ....only in little care it grows very slowly ...actually it is made for indoor plants...
And in my home there are many things those work the same...
Actually these are the hands of Jesus husband went abroad for his office purpose from there he had bring's believed that if we keep this hand somewhere in our house then all the bad things will go...and those people who always want our unsuccess, and bad eye on us for them it works like boomerang and all the environment can be changed... actually God Jesus gives blessings through this hand it is seemed.
And I have placed Lord Buddha statue in my home and my elder sister had gifted me Laughing Buddha as well...and these are also feng shui.. you all know that Lord Buddha is a symbol of Peace...if always fighting,quarrel,sorrow ,sadness, unhappiness, are surrounded to you then placing a Buddha statue can solve many unspoken truth, can bring peaceful life, satisfaction, immense pleasure ,a happy beginning and ending....
Yes in my past when I was feeling so unhappy with something or feeling sorrow or continuous unpleasant happening that time placing of Lord Buddha in my home really brought to me uncountable happiness ,peace for whom everyone dreamd.
Here you can ask me that in which direction we should place Lord Buddha and The Blessed Hand Of Jesus ??? Actually here may have some rules but I prefer always to keep your all in east side so that all the good benefits you get soon.
And in my entrance I hanged a wind chime those all are feng shui an old Chinese traditional part of china .It is said when the wind blows then the wind chime sounds like Tung tang...and in each sweet,mild sounds make some positive energy around our house ....seriously the sweet melody of these metal sounds make us happy, peaceful, joyful....
Actually all feng shui is based on environment is balanced between energy and environment on which all these have been placed to get positive energy .
Actually it is all belief...yes I actually got all good benefits from all..but don't think that i only place all these .....I have placed my all Hindu Lord in my house also..... because I respect all the culture,all the religious beliefs,all the good things....and here also in some occasions I do Puja from my own belief...but don't think I am too spiritual....
I have beliefs but everyday Puja it's not possible for me...on behalf of me my husband does...because at the end I believe that first you have to be very hard worker ,passionate,positive thinker,honest a person otherwise placing lots more lucky things also will not work.
Because the ultimate power of God also stays with these people ...being a good human is the toughest , greatest job for everyone . Because God is live in all his wonderful ignoring, humiliating , behaving badly with people are nothing but a crime to God if we do so God will never forgive us eventhough we can visit temple , church,mashjid .
So it will be beneficial for you when you will be good human being.

This is my Singhasan....Om Namaha...
So try all my tips at home and have happy,healthy, blessed , peaceful, a blissful life for ever with getting back of your own fortune .
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