How To Keep Us Motivated

A very good morning to I thought I will share with you how to get motivated.. because  we get sad ,frustrated, getting irritated or in off mood our all work go very badly..and we get fail in our dreams or goal ...even several times it happens with me and I think with all it is happened.

So now the question is how to get rid of from this boredness or sadness and become motivated..I know being all time motivated is not atall easy task..but yes if we do follow simple few steps we can be able to be motivated.

Set Your Goals-- first set your small goals then big onece..if everyday you can achieve a small goal then that will make your confidence level in higher position and wich will be the main key for your achievements..and this achivement make us motivated.

Be Confident-- believe in your own and say himself or herself always that ,' yes I can do'..which increases the energy level of us and energy level nothing else except a part of motivation..

Read Positive Journals regarding your goals or working territory--
If you want to motivate yourself then always read positive journals or talk to positive people or surrounded by them where you can get charge to let you motivated.

Avoid Negative People-- here in our society there are certain kind of people those always speak in negative way to drag you down or from avoid those kind of people to perform well or become motivated..because without motivation no work can be done nicely or can not get achivement.

Ask For Help Of Really Good Positive People-- if you are sad or not able to let you concentrate in anywhere,frustrated then if possible ask someone for help by chatting,spending time together,or calling where you feel cool , relaxed.

Eat Healthy -- try most of the time to have lots more leafy vegetables, fruits, juices..

Eat Chocolate or Icecream -- when I get bored I prefer to have a bit of chocolate or Icecream because these are the highly energetic food which increases our energy level as well as keep our mood always happy,good . Because in caffeine energy level are really high to motivate yourself.

Be Passionate -- always be passionate in your work or any duties or goal ...if not so then that will make you bore ..and that work will be a burden for you.

Listen Positive Music --- to change or motivate yourself listen slow or rock any kind of positive music in loud wich will make a positive vibration in all your room and will reflect that positivity on you which will make you positive,condident ,happy towards your goal to achive a result you will be motivated for ensuring achivements or joy in your goal.

Can Go For Shopping or Dinner-- these really work for me because I love all these..

Keep Your Room Colourful-- to get motivated keep your room very colourful from sofa to  bedhsheet because dark colour give us positive signals and for that we get charged,motivated to perform well.

Avoid Cell Phone or Tablets -- don't use all the time these electronic goods because the rays of these can effect on our body and mind which can cause for inactivity or not motivation.

Can Go For Relaxing Body Spa or Massage-- when I get really tired and feel bore this treatment gives me really pleasure and relaxed and get deep sleep for being motivate.

Sleep Properly-- if we not able to sleep properly that may cause for our sadness or boredness so make sure that you are sleeping well and if not then eat little poppy seeds paste raw with rice Because this work like sleeping pills .

Write Your Achivements in a Paper and Stick on Wall-- it's very important to see several times that yes you achived all these.

Watch Movie or Funny Videos -- watching these also really work

Meditation /Exercise -- these methods are really keeping your body and mind cooldown and fit to be motivated.

Be Proud and Stop Pointing of Guilty of himself-- continue pointing the guilty of us is nothing else but getting into depression so move on and be proud on himself.

Don't Overwhelmed -- too much getting overwhelmed damages our Achivements of goals because  over confidence domolish everything.

Spend Time With Kids-- kids are really become very energetic to create overall positive motivated ambience for all because they don't have worry,tension...and for them life is easy simple joy fun .
Because they don't understand the complexity of life that is why spending time with them make many tough task be kiddy and crazy and spending time with kids will make you evergreen motivated a person.. keep this trying..

After all motivation comes from inner mind so it's your priority whether you want to be motivated or not because after following all these few of days you can be motivated  not long time if actually you are negative kind of person ..

So try to motivate yourself in anyways from inner soul all the time may be your techniques are little differ but really believe me it's your own choice to be happy motivated in any circumstances.. sometimes we break down but it happens with,pain,joy,sad,irritation, these all our feelings without whom we can't live but yes within all these problems also we have to be active,happy,motivated ..not only for you for your own family members to keep them happy..because for every secret joy,achivements ...motivation,excitement,hunger of performing well in any field are the main key factors.So keep trying..and happy weekend..bye..stay touch eagarly with my website...


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