How Mothers are Unconditional ❤
Hello.. 🙂
I can recall that day when my mother did the same with me . She always kept her best food for me.Not let me to do any house hold work.Always said that I am quite small to do all these stuff.Never desired anything for her own only told" my children have these needs".Even provided all take care routine but never looked upon herself.This is the Mother.Still when I go to Kolkata she feels so happy ever.Cooks so many items for me and provides all the things hand to hand.Eventhough I tell her not to do after that also she does not listen to anyone.She enjoys all this by serving .If in anywhere I get achievements then she gets unconditionally happy and gives me blessing. In my 33 years I have never seen my mother's dull faces always happy without anything , happy in our happiness.
In my College, University exams my Mother only seated beside of me hole the night and gave me confidence that I will get all the questions common.When I felt asleep she had give her hand to my head and told" wake up".Suddenly I just woke up and again started to read.
Even still somehow one day I did not call her then she gets worry and gets tensed by thinking something maybe happened to us.This is how she is.When I come back to Bangalore after vacation of my son then from before one week she starts feel to cry and tells me to stay one month more.This is my Mother like whom no one will be.
My Parents ❤
Today I will share something regarding Mother.How a normal lady turns to a mother.She takes so many responsibilities,does duties of her family,earns money to share the load of family with her husband and after that gives birth of her child.So many duties , responsibilities she maintains with smiley faces.Never complaint to anyone regarding any issues.She is a Woman,a Wife,a Mother,an Employee of a company,a Daughter... She is everything.How many sides she has to maintain!
In another way she is a Life Coach,a Doctor,a Teacher of her beloving son.Who is the Most Real Well-wisher of her child.Sometimes she is very Strict on rules , sometimes not, sometimes she punished her child but when the child cries she also felt down into tears and feels guilty for giving Punishment to him.She gets angry on her child for doing mischevious job but also not likes the criticism on her child from others mouth.Sometimes she gets nervous when her child falls in to sick and prays to God for her child to get well soon.She always be repeating and again and again ask the same question to her child like"Did you take your tiffin?". Sometimes they get irritated by repeating questions but actually in those repeatation there are unconditional love, tension, worryness, annoyingness all.These sentiments are rare to understand for men.From morning to night she works hard maybe she is a house wife maybe a working.For both of them children are very precious . They compromise with anything for the sake of her children.She can tolerates anything but not any issue reading children.She is the Baby Seater, The Guider,The Specialist,The Best Buddy of her children.She always protects him from any injuries even provide the best shelter,food, clothes to her children with compromising her own desire.
In another way she is a Life Coach,a Doctor,a Teacher of her beloving son.Who is the Most Real Well-wisher of her child.Sometimes she is very Strict on rules , sometimes not, sometimes she punished her child but when the child cries she also felt down into tears and feels guilty for giving Punishment to him.She gets angry on her child for doing mischevious job but also not likes the criticism on her child from others mouth.Sometimes she gets nervous when her child falls in to sick and prays to God for her child to get well soon.She always be repeating and again and again ask the same question to her child like"Did you take your tiffin?". Sometimes they get irritated by repeating questions but actually in those repeatation there are unconditional love, tension, worryness, annoyingness all.These sentiments are rare to understand for men.From morning to night she works hard maybe she is a house wife maybe a working.For both of them children are very precious . They compromise with anything for the sake of her children.She can tolerates anything but not any issue reading children.She is the Baby Seater, The Guider,The Specialist,The Best Buddy of her children.She always protects him from any injuries even provide the best shelter,food, clothes to her children with compromising her own desire.
I can recall that day when my mother did the same with me . She always kept her best food for me.Not let me to do any house hold work.Always said that I am quite small to do all these stuff.Never desired anything for her own only told" my children have these needs".Even provided all take care routine but never looked upon herself.This is the Mother.Still when I go to Kolkata she feels so happy ever.Cooks so many items for me and provides all the things hand to hand.Eventhough I tell her not to do after that also she does not listen to anyone.She enjoys all this by serving .If in anywhere I get achievements then she gets unconditionally happy and gives me blessing. In my 33 years I have never seen my mother's dull faces always happy without anything , happy in our happiness.
In my College, University exams my Mother only seated beside of me hole the night and gave me confidence that I will get all the questions common.When I felt asleep she had give her hand to my head and told" wake up".Suddenly I just woke up and again started to read.
Even still somehow one day I did not call her then she gets worry and gets tensed by thinking something maybe happened to us.This is how she is.When I come back to Bangalore after vacation of my son then from before one week she starts feel to cry and tells me to stay one month more.This is my Mother like whom no one will be.
My Parents ❤
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